Quan plovien octavetes. Clandestinitat, premsa i propaganda antifranquista. Barcelona
Hundreds of clandestine newspapers, magazines, bulletins and leaflets were published despite the repression of Franco’s dictatorship. The Historical Archive of Barcelona has preserves a significant part of these illegal publications. The exhibition “Quan plovien octavetes. Clandestinitat, premsa i propaganda antifranquista” showcases part of this important cultural and historical Catalan heritage.
An installation of flying leaflets in the Archive’s courtyard visually connects the street with the museums premises and announces the exhibition. A large mural of historic photographs contextualizes the exhibits on display. A small cloud of hovering leaflets introduce the museum’s collection followed by an account on how the clandestine pamphlets were produced and what the repressive regime did to prevent their publication. The subsequent showcases present a selection of leaflets that appeared in the post-war period up to the1960s as well as a series of specific collections centered on campaigns for better working conditions, student protest, illegal political publications and testimonies of social grievances.
Project: Exhibition “Quan plovien octavetes. Clandestinitat, premsa i propaganda antifranquista"
Location: Arxiu Històric de la Ciutat de Barcelona
Date: 2021
Author: Julia Schulz-Dornburg
Collaborators: Eugenia Troncoso
Client: Arxiu Històric de la Ciutat de Barcelona. Institut de Cultura, Ajuntament de Barcelona
Director: Núria Bossom Palau
Curator: Manel Risques i Corbella
Coordination: Àrea de Programes Públics. Jordi Serchs Serra
Construction: Croquis. Disseny, muntatges i realitzacions, SA.
Audio recording: Ricard Terés / Costa24
Graphic design: Pere Canals
Photography: Julia Schulz-Dornburg