
Ruïnes Modernes, FAD. Convent dels Àngels, Barcelona

The exhibition ”Ruïnes modernes, una topografia de lucre” as reflected in the homonymous book, published by Ambit , grows out of a body of ongoing research that started in 2010 with the exploration of leisure worlds, ghost towns and landscapes of profit. The collection of ruins is but a personal selection of the sixty building developments that were portrayed and investigated during a 10,000 kilometre journey over a period of two years. The information accompanying the photographic inventory proceeds exclusively from property developers, municipal archives and Official State Gazettes. 

Press review

Què Fem? La Vanguardia, 15.11.2013
El País, 31.10.2013


Project: Curatorship and design of the exhibition “Ruïnes modernes, una topografia de lucre”
Location: Forum exhibition hall, FAD, Plaça dels Àngels 5, Barcelona
Date: October 2013

Author: Julia Schulz-Dornburg
Investigation and documentation: Eugenia Troncoso

Client: FAD
Coordination: Margarita Kirchner, Ana Acón
Audio-visuals: Milagros Producciones, David Mauas, director; Tomás Suárez, editor
Construction: Grop Exposicions i Museografia S.L.

Photography: Xavi Padrós